Title: Matinamagewin : continuing education at the UQAT for the development of cultural competency in teachers
Author: Bérubé, Julie-Anne
Abstract: Since 2010, UQAT’s Continuing Education
Department, in partnership with the Algonquin
Nations Programs and Services Secretariat
(ANPSS), has been offering a one-day training
session entitled “Piwaseha – First Light of Day.”
The aim of the course is to improve teachers’
understanding of Indigenous cultures and
realities so that they can develop partnerships
based on mutual respect and understanding.
The course was met with keen interest in several
organizations, and 4,000 people have taken it
so far. Given the success of the program since
2010, UQAT’s Continuing Education Department
wanted to continue developing training that
makes a difference but, this time, in the education
Description: Publication faisant suite au 4e Colloque sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires chez les Premiers Peuples qui s'est déroulé à Montréal en octobre 2019.
Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Matinamagewin – Le partage : une formation continue de l'UQAT pour le développement de l'humilité culturelle chez les enseignants".