Title: Visible or invisible : separate realities among Innu and Wendat students at cégep Limoilou - an anthropological perspective
Author: Veilleux, Christine; Blanchette, Josée
Abstract: Cégep Limoilou enrolls on average about
60 Indigenous students a year. In 2016,
it began offering intercultural training for
teachers and other staff members. In 2018,
a new institutional guideline led to the hiring
of a social worker with experience working
with the Indigenous population and a student
life animator for Indigenous students, as well
as participation in an intercollegiate research
project. Although we only began offering these
services recently, we have been addressing
contemporary Indigenous realities in our courses
for far longer. Over the years, we have invited
Indigenous students to get involved by raising
awareness in class. We found similarities and
differences in college integration strategies,
especially between Innu and Wendat students.
Description: Publication faisant suite au 4e Colloque sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires chez les Premiers Peuples qui s'est déroulé à Montréal en octobre 2019.
Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Subir sa visibilité ou choisir de rester invisible : réalités distinctes chez des étudiants innus et wendat au cégep Limoilou, un regard anthropologique".