Title: Recognizing the effects of systemic racism to ensure greater cultural safety for Indigenous students
Author: Lefevre-Radelli, Léa
Abstract: In recent years, Quebec universities
and CEGEPs have implemented a growing
number of initiatives to provide Indigenous
students with adapted services and an
environment more respectful of their realities.
These initiatives involve recognizing the cultural,
linguistic and geographical realities of Indigenous
students. However, Indigenous students
are affected by institutionalized discrimination,
an aspect of the education system rarely
documented in Quebec. This article aims
to provide avenues for understanding how
systemic racism impacts Indigenous peoples
in the university system—a key component
for reflection on support measures for
Indigenous students.
Description: Publication faisant suite au 4e Colloque sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires chez les Premiers Peuples qui s'est déroulé à Montréal en octobre 2019.
Disponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Prendre en compte les effets du racisme systémique pour assurer une meilleure sécurisation culturelle des étudiants autochtones".