Titre: Open labs for well-educated minds transforming the science lab into a more authentic investigation
Auteur: Sicotte, Vincent; Désilets, Jean-François
Résumé: "The image we have of a science course is often rooted in
the laboratory, perceived as a place for experimentation
and discovery of the world. However, in CEGEP, as in high
school, the reality of laboratory experiments often turns
out to be a sequence of facts to be memorized and a string
of equations disconnected from the real world. How can
we transform these laboratories into fundamental elements of scientific understanding? Let’s delve into this
reflection by exploring the impact of open laboratories on
the conception of science and its learning." -- AQPC
Description: Comprend des références bibliographiques et webographiquesDisponible en français dans EDUQ.info sous le titre "Des labos plus ouverts pour des têtes bien faites : transformer le laboratoire de sciences en une investigation plus authentique"
Dedic, Helena; Rosenfield, Steven; Cooper, Miriam; Association pour la recherche au collégial. Colloque (9e : 1997 : Collège Dawson)(Association pour la recherche au collégial,, 1998)